Top 3 New Year’s Resolutions (according to

  1. Lose Weight
  2. Get Organized
  3. Spend Less, Save More

Well, starting in February, ADEC is offering a great opportunity to help our dedicated staff members get organized and spend less/save more with the Making Cents series.

Through a partnership with Mutual Bank, we will be offering a series of 30 minute classes once a month that will focus on a financial fitness topic.  Mutual Bank is excited to offer these classes at ADEC and promises to bring snacks to share (which will not help with the #1 resolution… but 2 out of 3 isn’t too shabby!)

When we did our Employee Survey in 2016, ADEC staff members said they were looking for more opportunities. By offering the Making Cents series, ADEC hopes this will be one more way in which ADEC can equip and empower staff members to enjoy lives filled with choice and possibility. To make it even more helpful and accessible for staff members, ADEC is offering:

  1. 1 hours pay (for your travel and time in class).
  2. $50 to anyone who completes 5 classes
  3. $100 to anyone who completes 10 classes
  4. An entry to win a set of tires from Star Tire and Brake for every class you attend.  The more classes you attend the more chances you have to win a set of tires in December 2017!

Want to know more about Making Cents? Or have a question? Contact Jessica Koscher, ADEC’s chief development officer, for more information at or 574-848-2421.