A core value for all ADEC staff is to respect the dignity of the individuals we serve and to protect them from exploitation and abuse.

In It Together

2023-02-10T17:41:16-05:00May 9th, 2013|A Life of Their Own, Community, Dignity|

Getting married is one of those rites we take for granted. Some prospective grooms still follow tradition and ask fathers for the bride’s hand, but couples don’t really need permission to marry as long as they’re of legal age. [...]

Purpose Matters

2023-02-10T17:30:42-05:00May 1st, 2013|A Life of Their Own, Dignity, Employment|

Purpose Matters There are dozens, if not hundreds or thousands, of variables included in the equation for personal happiness and fulfillment. Few variables are as impactful or important as how we make sense of our value to society. How [...]

Helen Finds Her Voice

2023-02-10T17:19:39-05:00April 17th, 2013|Dignity, Direct Support|

I'd like to tell you about Helen. Helen is an 80-year-old woman who lives with seven other ladies in an ADEC group home in Bristol. Helen attends day programming at our Bristol campus, where she paints, makes cards, sews [...]

Riding a Mechanical Bull

2013-04-10T00:01:03-04:00April 10th, 2013|Administration, Dignity|

By Lisa Kendall ADEC Staff Working in Human Resources, I talk about our mission every day. In fact, it is my most important hiring criteria – do applicants understand our mission? Do they understand what we are trying to accomplish [...]

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