On Wednesday, August 24th, 2022, ADEC was proud to host a Release & Listening Party for the new Podcast, “Expert Tips By ADEC Self-Advocates.” Debuting on most streaming platforms this week, the new podcast is hosted by Emily, an attendee of ADEC’s Skills & Training program at The Hub, in Elkhart, IN. She also holds a part-time job at the Soapy Gnome in Goshen, IN, and has career aspirations of becoming a media personality or working in an entertainment field.
We were joined by ADEC CEO Donna Belusar, various ADEC staff, individuals from both Self-Advocates of ADEC and ADEC’s Skills & Training Program, Emily’s father and step-mother Merrill Krabill and Clare Krabill, as well as Emily’s Employer, Jenny Frech from the Soapy Gnome in Goshen, and various podcast subjects, friends, fans, and media.
Speaking to the group, Donna said “This has been a vision of mine for many, many years. As you know, we are very active with federal level initiatives, and with state level initiatives, and trying to be strong advocates for those we serve, but there’s always been this desire: how do we better connect with our clients and our families out there? The title of this podcast is perfect because you are representing yourself, you’re representing others with disabilities. It’s you who are the experts, sharing your wisdom, and giving guidance, which, honest-to-goodness, really speaks to our mission here at ADEC, and we are so proud. So proud. Thank you for making this dream come true.”
Speaking directly to Emily, Donna went on to say “I’ve got to tell you, we’ve previewed the podcast, the board has listened to it as well, and you’ve just knocked it out of the park, Emily. We are extremely proud of you.”
You can find “Expert Tips By ADEC Self-Advocates” on Spotify and most streaming platforms. New episodes will debut monthly, and you can read the blog at adecinc.com/adec-kicks-off-new-monthly-podcast/ for more podcast info.