Ten teams of area high school and college students competed in the first ADEC Tech nology Challenge on Saturday, March 28. Two teams from the University of Notre Dame and one from Northridge High School placed in the competition.
Read the full story in The Elkhart Truth.

Team Nagy from the University of Notre Dame received the first-place prize of a 3-D printer for their Media Controller project. Representing the team are (from left) Peter Tran, Jack Keller and Matthew Nagy. (ADEC photo by Rod Tackett)

Carson Deal, a freshman from Northridge High School, took home second place and a 3-D printer kit, for his team’s project, Adaptive Cutlery. (ADEC photo by Rod Tackett)

Mike Kelly, an engineering student at Notre Dame, presented the third-place project, a hands-free automated saw. (ADEC photo by Rod Tackett)