Looking for information about next steps for your child or family member with a developmental or intellectual disability?
Find the answers you need and talk with professionals who can help at a one-of-a-kind Resource Fair at College Mennonite Church Saturday March 19.
Attend breakout sessions and browse more than 40 information booths to learn more about job training, Special Olympics, advocacy services and navigating the state disability network. Discover resources, network with families and share information. The fair opens at 9 a.m. and continues through noon. This free, public event is brought to you by ADEC and the Goshen College Office of Graduate and Continuing Studies.
For more information, please contact Viv Blakeslee, ADEC Transitions and Autism Coordinator, at 574.294.6197, ext. 3104 or blakesleev@adecinc.com.