ADEC nursing team more prepared to handle medical emergencies thanks to Goshen Health Foundation grant

2019-06-04T09:16:49-04:00May 30th, 2019|Direct Support|

Christmas came early this year for ADEC's nursing team. Registered nurse Katrina Vargas and licensed practical nurses Lynn Guthrie and Sarah Ten Have could barely contain their excitement on Wednesday as they tore open cardboard boxes and ripped through [...]

ADEC receives Hero Award from United Way of Elkhart County

2019-05-20T16:24:50-04:00May 20th, 2019|Community|

At ADEC, we've always believed our employees are true heroes. They work tirelessly to advocate for and serve individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities so they can lead lives full of choice and possibility. They sacrifice their evenings, weekends [...]

Volunteers create choice and possibility for ADEC clients as Community Connectors

2019-04-29T16:00:28-04:00April 29th, 2019|A Life of Their Own, Community|

Volunteers are an important part of the lives of the individuals we serve at ADEC; they help create a community connection in a meaningful way by spending time with the individuals we serve. At ADEC, our volunteers do more than [...]

Join ADEC for a live stream of the May 1 DDRS Stakeholder Quarterly Meeting

2019-04-25T13:17:26-04:00April 25th, 2019|Uncategorized|

For individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families, the decisions made by state and federal agencies can have a major impact on their daily lives. Simple line items in the state budget can determine how many hours [...]

ADEC’s (Walk, Run or) Ride-A-Bike returns on May 18 for 47th year

2019-04-10T15:25:55-04:00April 10th, 2019|Ride-A-Bike, Uncategorized|

At ADEC, we are all about choice and possibility. We believe that the 1,000+ individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities we serve each year deserve the freedom to make their own choices and explore their life's possibilities. We apply [...]

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