Michigan teens from Young Neighbors in Action spend week hanging out with individuals ADEC serves, improve homes through volunteer service

2019-07-19T09:54:54-04:00July 19th, 2019|Community, News|

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Most people choose to spend their summer hanging out at the beach or in the relaxing comfort of an air-conditioned building, but 11 teenagers and adults from Young Neighbors in Action decided to spend a week of their summer improving [...]

ADEC celebrates Dog Daze of summer with dog-themed art, special partnerships with Bonneyville Mill and Elkhart ArtWalk

2019-07-16T12:38:48-04:00July 16th, 2019|Community, Employment, News|

If you’re a fan of ADEC’s famous Bow Wow Dog Biscuits, have we got a treat for you: A very limited special edition batch of biscuits are coming to a Gaining Grounds Coffee House or downtown event near you, thanks [...]

ADEC unveils refreshed mission statement with emphasis on ‘informed’ choice

2020-02-05T15:41:00-05:00July 10th, 2019|A Life of Their Own, Community, Dignity, Employment, First Person, News|

The addition of one simple word can change the meaning of a sentence significantly -- just consider ADEC's mission statement. ADEC's Board of Directors recently approved a refreshed mission statement that adds a single word: Informed. "ADEC proudly advocates [...]

ADEC receives Hero Award from United Way of Elkhart County

2019-05-20T16:24:50-04:00May 20th, 2019|Community|

At ADEC, we've always believed our employees are true heroes. They work tirelessly to advocate for and serve individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities so they can lead lives full of choice and possibility. They sacrifice their evenings, weekends [...]

Volunteers create choice and possibility for ADEC clients as Community Connectors

2019-04-29T16:00:28-04:00April 29th, 2019|A Life of Their Own, Community|

Volunteers are an important part of the lives of the individuals we serve at ADEC; they help create a community connection in a meaningful way by spending time with the individuals we serve. At ADEC, our volunteers do more than [...]

ADEC’s (Walk, Run or) Ride-A-Bike returns on May 18 for 47th year

2019-04-10T15:25:55-04:00April 10th, 2019|Ride-A-Bike, Uncategorized|

At ADEC, we are all about choice and possibility. We believe that the 1,000+ individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities we serve each year deserve the freedom to make their own choices and explore their life's possibilities. We apply [...]

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