A core value for all ADEC staff is to respect the dignity of the individuals we serve and to protect them from exploitation and abuse.

Northridge, Goshen and Notre Dame students chosen in ADEC Tech Challenge

2015-03-30T17:50:02-04:00March 30th, 2015|A Life of Their Own, Community, Dignity, News, Technology|

Ten teams of area high school and college students competed in the first ADEC Tech  nology Challenge on Saturday, March 28. Two teams from the University of Notre Dame and one from Northridge High School placed in the competition. Read [...]

“Keep the beat going strong in heaven, Mark”

2023-02-12T17:04:57-05:00June 16th, 2014|A Life of Their Own, Community, Dignity, Direct Support, Families, Uncategorized|

Music sang through Mark Cox’s genes. The son of a musician, he enjoyed music with a passion unmatched by most. Mark’s brother, a bass player from Chicago, visited him recently at ADEC’s Adult Habilitation center in Bristol, IN, where [...]

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