A core value for all ADEC staff is to respect the dignity of the individuals we serve and to protect them from exploitation and abuse.

ADEC celebrates DSP Week 2017

2017-09-15T11:58:08-04:00September 15th, 2017|Direct Support, News|

Each morning, ADEC clients wake up with smiles on their faces as they get ready for a new day with their friends and staff members at Day Services. They enjoy hearty breakfasts at home, get dressed in clean clothes and [...]

ADEC introduces merit increases

2017-04-14T14:08:32-04:00April 14th, 2017|Administration, News|

ADEC is excited to announce another wage incentive that is a direct result from employee feedback. Many of our employees who completed the 2016 Employee Climate Survey stated they would like to receive increases based on your performance. We heard [...]

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