Michigan teens from Young Neighbors in Action spend week hanging out with individuals ADEC serves, improve homes through volunteer service

2019-07-19T09:54:54-04:00July 19th, 2019|Community, News|

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Most people choose to spend their summer hanging out at the beach or in the relaxing comfort of an air-conditioned building, but 11 teenagers and adults from Young Neighbors in Action decided to spend a week of their summer improving [...]

ADEC celebrates Dog Daze of summer with dog-themed art, special partnerships with Bonneyville Mill and Elkhart ArtWalk

2019-07-16T12:38:48-04:00July 16th, 2019|Community, Employment, News|

If you’re a fan of ADEC’s famous Bow Wow Dog Biscuits, have we got a treat for you: A very limited special edition batch of biscuits are coming to a Gaining Grounds Coffee House or downtown event near you, thanks [...]

ADEC unveils refreshed mission statement with emphasis on ‘informed’ choice

2020-02-05T15:41:00-05:00July 10th, 2019|A Life of Their Own, Community, Dignity, Employment, First Person, News|

The addition of one simple word can change the meaning of a sentence significantly -- just consider ADEC's mission statement. ADEC's Board of Directors recently approved a refreshed mission statement that adds a single word: Informed. "ADEC proudly advocates [...]

ADEC’s “March to Vote” pushes to teach, register individuals

2019-03-28T09:35:14-04:00March 28th, 2019|A Life of Their Own, Community, News|

This is a blog by David Polaski   Flip through one of ADEC’s new “Your Individual Rights” booklets and toward the end, you’ll find a seldom talked-about right. “You have the right to learn how to register to vote and [...]

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