A core value for all ADEC staff is to respect the dignity of the individuals we serve and to protect them from exploitation and abuse.

Dianne’s Continuing ADEC Adventure: Flying to Arizona

2017-03-31T12:46:31-04:00March 31st, 2017|A Life of Their Own, Dignity, Direct Support|

At 67 years old, Dianne Hampshire is living proof that it's never too late to enjoy a new adventure. A few months ago, we shared this incredible story of Dianne and Richard Hampshire reuniting after eight years of searching for [...]

Wage increases for ADEC DSPs

2017-02-03T16:35:58-05:00February 3rd, 2017|Administration, Direct Support, News|

On Monday mornings, when ADEC’s day services open, the building quickly goes from still and quiet to full and the sounds of laughter and excited voices echo through each room. ADEC clients hurry in, excited to share every detail with [...]

ADEC Recognizes 245 Years of Service

2017-01-20T13:54:53-05:00January 20th, 2017|Direct Support, News|

Each year at ADEC, we take a step back and recognize ADEC employees who have reached milestone anniversaries. On Tuesday, Jan. 17, ADEC hosted a dinner at Antonio’s in Elkhart to recognize the employees who celebrated in 2016. All total, [...]

Remembering Lawrence Jones

2017-01-09T08:31:19-05:00January 9th, 2017|A Life of Their Own, Dignity|

Cheese balls, 1970’s motown, rubber bands, balloons and dogs - these were just a few of Lawrence Jones’ favorite things. “He loved to dance,” remembers Gale LeCount, ADEC program manager. “He would just grab me and dance.” We don’t know [...]

ADEC presents Making Cents

2017-01-06T11:30:41-05:00January 6th, 2017|Administration, Direct Support, News|

Top 3 New Year’s Resolutions (according to Statisticbrain.com): Lose Weight Get Organized Spend Less, Save More Well, starting in February, ADEC is offering a great opportunity to help our dedicated staff members get organized and spend less/save more with the [...]

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