One of ADEC’s core values is to give the individuals we serve a life of their own with the right to make their own choices, pursue their passions, learn new skills, develop healthy personal relationships and make a positive contribution to their communities.

A Slam Dunk of a Season: The Silver Bullets 23-24 Season

2024-10-15T12:08:45-04:00March 18th, 2024|A Life of Their Own, Community, Dignity|

The Silver Bullets are more than just a basketball team; with a team of 54 dynamic players, backed by the infectious energy of 10 cheerleaders, 8 dedicated event staff, passionate coaches, and supportive ADEC staff, they were united by [...]

Celebrating Developmental Disability Awareness Month: Honoring the Values of ADEC

2024-10-15T12:09:29-04:00February 23rd, 2024|A Life of Their Own, Community, Dignity, Employment, Uncategorized|

MAKE A DONATION As March unfolds, we embark on a journey of celebration and advocacy for Developmental Disability Awareness Month. At ADEC, we stand dedicated to advocating for and serving [...]

Bridging Joy and Community: Middlebury Day Program’s Party with Greencroft

2024-10-15T12:16:56-04:00August 15th, 2023|A Life of Their Own, Community|

We’ve got some exciting news to share about how a volunteer experience turned into a field day event filled with laughter and joy. So, get ready to relive the fun as we take you through the highlights of an [...]

Unleashing Adventure and Friendship: ADEC’s 2023 Summer Camp

2024-10-15T12:17:30-04:00August 9th, 2023|Community, Families|

Friendships were made, adventures were had, and hilarious moments were shared at ADEC Summer Camp 2023! Individuals aged 6-22 had the opportunity to take part in one of the only summer camps in the Michiana area that serves individuals [...]

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