Picture Possibilities Fundraising Made Simple

2021-05-06T10:54:45-04:00June 26th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Picture Possibilities includes fun social media challenges but ADEC also needs our help fundraising for our unfunded programs not covered by Medicaid such as our guardianship, transportation, family services and skills and training center for young adults. You can [...]

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ADA Allows ADEC’s Clients to Picture Possibilities

2020-06-25T11:52:47-04:00June 25th, 2020|Uncategorized|

More info: What is the ADA? | ADA FAQs On July 26, 30 years ago, President George H.W. Bush famously declared “let the shameful wall of exclusion finally come tumbling down” at a ceremony before signing the Americans With Disabilities Act. [...]

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Picture Possibilities All Through July

2020-06-17T15:08:04-04:00June 15th, 2020|Uncategorized|

https://youtu.be/VnPw8P_V_EI If you follow ADEC, you’ve assuredly seen or heard the phrase “picture possibilities” recently. Is it a literal picture or a figurative visionary picture? It’s both, really. There are hundreds of directions possibilities could be going in but, so [...]

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Robert Meets His Hero and ADEC Loves It

2020-06-12T10:12:52-04:00June 11th, 2020|Uncategorized|

  https://www.facebook.com/ADECservices/videos/302255684136875/ Our client Robert has been having a tough time lately. On Friday ADEC lit up its secret bat signal and asked Robert’s hero to make a surprise visit to his home... The response on social media, and chatter [...]

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ADEC Keeps on Smiling as Summer Camp Reopens

2020-06-09T12:36:39-04:00June 9th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Three sets of smiles lit up opening day of Camp Wy.Not on Monday even brighter than the summer sun on a cloudless day in Elkhart – the campers, the counselors and the parents dropping off their kids.   “I think it’s [...]

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Tuesday Garden Party For Skills and Training Center Clients

2020-06-03T16:00:35-04:00June 3rd, 2020|News|

An early summertime vibe of happiness is in the air all around ADEC now that waiver clients have been able to return to our day centers, transportation vehicles and in-person therapies. While things are figuratively growing again, the skills and training [...]

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Reopening Frequently Asked Questions

2020-06-01T10:51:54-04:00June 1st, 2020|Uncategorized|

You had questions. We had answers. Over decades of practical experience protecting medically vulnerable clients and months studying novel coronavirus advisories from the Centers for Disease Control, Indiana State Department of Health and others, we are excited to be reopening many [...]

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